The Evolution of Visual Representation in Architecture
Virtual reality has given architects alternative ways towork. It can help design, meet needs, and engage clients.
Reading time: 10 minutes
May 15, 2023

How Virtual Reality Is Changing the World of Interior Design
Be aware of the latest technology to stay competitive and successful inbusiness. Visualization has many perks that will benefit customers anddemonstrate the beauty of modern technology. The experience is sorealistic you can even open and close doors and cabinets, check if theyfit, and put a pan on the stove.
Presentations in VR
Most often, VR is used in architecture to present concepts. The clients ofconstruction companies and creative agencies are not known for theirimagination and creativity. Architects and designers struggle to explaintheir ideas verbally.
With VR, a specialist can show the customer a version as close to realityas possible. Customers come away enthralled and more willing to partwith their money.
Layout detailing
The existing methods of layout are not flexible enough. Show differentmodels of furniture in the same space. Decorate a room with cute things.
Real-time 3D visualization
Architecture typically works with drawings and scale models, and 3D modeling has been used for about 20 years. VR can integrate well withtraditional methods because the two complement each other perfectly - better than the makers of these systems know. Technological advancesare setting a dizzying pace and offering countless possibilities.
With Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens, and Google Cardboard data goggles available on the market, VR hasbeen at the center of society and has become more accessible thanbefore (although they still cost hundreds to thousands of euros). Andwhen Facebook bought Oculus for $2 billion in 2014, the industry got a huge boost.
Nearly 70 percent of those surveyed are using VR / AR / MR inproduction or plan to do so in 2017, with 77 percent experimenting withthe technology or planning to do so. The use of virtual realitytechnology requires extensive knowledge, and it is difficult for architectsto find time to experiment with this technology in their day-to-day work. Workflows and paradigms in architecture are quite different.
The more architects deal with VR, the better they can influence thefuture market. Throughout history, architectural visualization has actedas a language between the client and the designer.
Top 5 VR Apps for Architects and Designers
1. Enscape
Control the time of day to see the color of objects in different lightingconditions. Enscape functionality also allows you to select interior andlandscape materials.
2. InsiteVR
InsiteVR is a virtual platform for remote team communication. Architects, designers, and managers can: walk through the rooms of thefuture building, move objects, and change their scale.
3. Twinmotion
Twinmotion is practical for architecture, construction, urban planning, and landscape design.
4. Revizto
Revizto - multifunctional software for architects and designers. Itcombines the constituent parts of the project into a single 3D object.
5. Fuzor
Fuzor allows you to create and adjust design parameters in virtualreality. For example, move furniture or change the material of surfaces.
What’s Next?
Visual representation in architecture is magic. Virtual reality in designallows everyone to be on the same page because, in the design process, there is almost nothing left for interpretation. Virtual reality opens upnew horizons in architecture that seemed impossible before it camealong.
Suppose firms ultimately want to cut costs, improve visualization andenrich communication to the best of their ability. In this case, the futureintegration of VR technology into architecture is inevitable.
Virtual reality requires considerable expertise. Architects find it difficultto find working hours to experiment with the technology. Virtual realityrelies on game engines to develop these immersive experiences.
The architecture and construction sectors have a colossal opportunity togrow through these innovations and implement them to improve existingpractices. Those who use these technologies to streamline theirprocesses and bring their ideas to life will be the ones who are at theforefront of the architectural revolution.